Friday, 5 December 2008

Pimpology 101 Pt IV

Of the aforementioned drawbacks, the ultimate one is the worst and most worrying. Chicks, should be treated like any wild animal that has been tamed; no matter how much training it has had, you never turn your back on it. A prime example of this must be Lorena Bobbitt; the infamous chick who chopped of her husbands pipe. Although it was wrong, this chick did have mitigating circumstances as he did wife her, and as such should have retired from the game. A better example is perhaps of the young man, who had his chick put acid around the seat of his toilet bowl, so that when he went to… handle his business he received burns around the back of his legs. There are numerous other horrific tales of chicks turned mad. Such chicks are to shunned for the rabid dogs that they are. The only pity is that unlike a rabid dog, they cannot be put down. Of all the chicks to turn crazy, Guyanese women and Jamaican women are the worst. Guyanese women are sly and sneaky in their plotting and are the more dangerous of the two. Jamaican women are just straight up, out and out ghetto, and are thus easier to manage.

To a pimp, image is everything. As such a pimp takes every possible care to ensure that his woman is up to date, or like Sean Paul he will have to deport them, especially if they are fresh from yard, as chances are they are a ‘fugee any way. A pimp will also endeavour to make sure that she is good looking and has a banging body. Of course he will have some borderline and two bag chicks, but they are kept in (preferably stained) glass cases ie Break only in an emergency. Or they will have special skills which enable him not to have to look at them.

Glossary of Terms

Beating – Sex.

Brain Surgeon – A chick that gives good head

Breakers - Buff

Buisness Chicks – Commonly referred to as chicks, they are women that you are ‘seeing’

Buss a nut – Can either be used to mean sex or to climax

Caddy – Although this is also the name given to the guy that carries your golf clubs, in this case it is the nick name given to a Cadillac.

Chick pool – The name given to the collection of girls that you and your crew know and are available on a free transfer.

Crew – Your good friends.

Flipmode – Not the group associated with musical hits such as ‘Gimme Some More’, but a successful pimping cartel.

Hag/s – Female or females that you would only beat when in dire need to hit the twizza. Be warned some hags are seductive.

Hit the twizza – Have sex

Hitting – Having sex

Ho – A chick that has many pimps. Also known as a sket.

Homies – This is not the plural form of the shortened word for homosexual. It in fact means your close friends.

Iceberg Slim – A notorious pimp from Chicago who later became an author. Not to be confused with some weak, punk @$$ British wannabe rapper.

Interference – The term used when one pimp distracts the attentions of a cock blocking chick so that a colleague can sign the exclusive rights to her friend.

Laying Pipe – Having sex

Loot – Money or belongings of value

Nuni – A derivative of ‘nani, which is an abbreviation for punani.

O.P – Original Pimp

On road – In public

Pipe – Male genitalia. Also known as a ‘Tool’.

Pleasure Chick – People often take this term the wrong way, these are actually chicks with which your relationship is strictly platonic.

Primary Pimp – A chicks main pimp, or only pimp.

S.C.O.P – Standard Code Of Practice

Seed – Male genitalia

The Game – Pimping

Tool – See Pipe

Two Bag Chick – A chick that when you are intimate with her you require two paper bags. One for her, and one for you in case hers falls off.

What’s Your Point Mentality – To have a nonchalant attitude to what is being said or done.

Wife – The woman you stood before God and pledged your life to.

Wifey – A personal chick. A chick you have a monogamous relationship with.

Yang – See Pipe

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