Sunday, 16 January 2011

Truth or Lies?

'Do I look fat?'

A line I have heard in many a sitcom, and from different people over my lifetime. Sometimes I have to ask if that is actually a trick question. Of course, I am not stupid enough to utter those words audibly, but in my head I shout it so loud it positively reverberates throughout my entire body. But the question is, should I be honest? Should I tell the truth in a manner that is a bit more sensitive than the response in my head?

I used to think you should tell the truth at all times, but now I am not so sure. Telling the truth is a concept that should be motivated at lessening the pain to others as well as ourselves, but if saying nothing, or even telling an untruth is going to spare someones feelings, then I am beginning to see the legitimacy in that too.

I was told I see the world in black and white and failed to see the areas of grey, and there are those that would see this change in my thinking as a move from this position; but I don't.

The world is still black and white.

I am just still learning about the principles that guide it.

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