Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Fly away...

"If you ever want something badly, let it go. If it comes back to you, then it's yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never yours to begin with."

That quote is taken from the movie 'Indecent Proposal' and Diana (played by Demi Moore) has split up with her husband due to them both making a mistake. It is a line I have thought about over a number of years now, and I am not sure I can agree with it.

I guess the first issue I take with it is that surely if you really wanted something, or someone so badly you would fight for them. Just to show you how ludicris this statement is, imagine you had a Rolex. A truly pimped out Rolex. Diamonds in the bezel, the face and the strap. Would you allow someone to mug you for it without resistance, and then say "Oh well. Since I really want it, I will let it go in the hope that the nice mugger will return it to me!".

I cannot imagin anyone saying yes to the above scenario, but if you did, please by yourself a nice Rolex. I need a new watch.

My other issues with this statement I guess revolve around the fact that just because someone (because the statement is really about a person), one can never be sure of the reasons that this person is returning to you. In the movie the two main characters do return to each other because they love each other, but lets be real, that's Hollywood. Life is rarely like that.

If someone returns to you it is likely to be because they are alone and know that they can find comfort with you. Or perhaps it is because they have nowhere else to go. At times it may even be because they are bored and having nothing better to do.

Even worse than all of these scenarios perhaps is the fact that the other person might get lost whilst trying to find their way back to you. And that is possibly the cruelest fate of all.

But I did say life is rarely like that. It is good to remember that there are occasional moments of inspiration.

I guess for a few, for the very small minority out there, this statement can come true. And if it does, it is something to be treasured, for we rarely get a second chance at the good things in our life.

I have learnt that the things in life I value, I need to fight for. It is only after fighting for them, that you then let it go free...

Knowning that just because it has returned, it does not mean that it has returned as yours.

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