In a nut shell, yes.
The hijab is not so much an article of dress, but a dress code covering the modesty of Muslim men and women. It just so happens that many mistakenly identify the clothing in all its forms as the hijab.
It is because of this it is conceivable to regard the banning of the hijab in all its incarnations as religious discrimination, however to ban only the niqab (the veil covering the face) would not purely because the Qur'an does not call for the donning of such garments, but instead requires that a khimar or head scarf is worn. The Qur'an advocates that nothing more than the hands and face should be seen in public as a matter of modesty, which in all honesty is not necessarily a bad thing. The covering of the head is a requirement in many religions such as Judaism and some branches of Christianity, and so is the call to dress modestly.
So why all the fuss over the hijab? National security is one explanation that has been bandied about, and I have to say, quite successfully even if unreasonably. The percentage of people that actually wear a niqab and commit acts of terrorism or violence is so minute that it is perhaps less than 1%. To impose a ban on its users all reeks of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Would you in light of the recent violence and riots in Ireland, advocate a ban on Irish accents? Not likely, as that would be to castigate the millions of innocent and law abiding Irish unfairly.
Then you have womens rights groups arguing that it is a symbol and instrument of suppression. And in some cases they may actually be right. I think it would be totally naive to even suggest that there are no Muslim men out there that would abuse and denigrate their women, and that the hijab is not a tool at their disposal. They use it to rob women of their identity and reduce them to faceless being. However, there are also Christian men that use the bible and texts within it to subjugate and censure their wives, should we then ban the bible because it is used wrongly by a minority of Christian men? It is the sad reality that we, in our humanity are prone to taking the most innocent of things and misusing them for our own corrupt reasons.
The niqab which some women wear as part of the hijab is a cultural garment, and as such could be banned without being considered a form of religious discrimination, but this then opens up the argument of it being racial discrimination.
It would seem to me that the hijab is being hijacked by both camps. There are some Muslim men that have usurped the code of modesty and are using it to repress women, but equally there are those that are exploiting the fear of terrorism, or those that are different are hijacking the hijab to further their political ambitions.
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