The flag of the United States of America is burned, or one of their soldiers is killed and as a nation they are shocked at the uncivilized behavior as some people dance in the streets and cheer, and yet they do the same over the death of a human being?
"But he was a terrorist!" you say. "He was an evil man!" I hear you cry.
But was he?
In the West, we supposedly believe in a concept of due process; of being innocent until found guilty by a jury of our peers, and on that basis I say that Bin Laden has gone to his grave innocent in the eyes of man no matter how guilty he may be before the throne of God. The nations in which he masterminded attacks, we robbed of the opportunity to find him guilty in their courts by the self serving, selfish and arrogant actions of the United States.
I am also concerned about the manner in which he died. A single bullet to the head. That was an execution carried out without course for appeal to the sentence, and yet the claim goes out that justice has been done. This was not justice. This was murder.
Murder carried out in another country by American Special Forces that did not give the government of a sovereign nation forewarning that they were carrying out an operation on their soil. Could the arrogance of the USA be any more apparent? All they need to do is change the motto on their crest to "We do what we like, how we like, and when we like.". Or perhaps more appropriate they could redesign their flag and just put a hand on it, middle finger extended and underneath the slogan "**** you".
Perhaps the more worrying issue in all of this is that instead of becoming more secure, the threat of terrorism has only increased. Or that is what we have been told in the media and by governments. Is this the precursor to an excuse to sending ground troops into Libya? I would not be surprised if it were. The announcement of Bin Laden's death has come at a time where interest in the 'war on terror' was waning, where economic crisis has gripped the world and when the pressure on the need to secure natural resources (oil) is increasing. By destabilizing the Middle East, the Western nations have given themselves a reason to invade by claiming they are just going to 'aid in stabilizing the region'.
With this in mind, I have to ask who is the real terrorist?
Osama Bin Laden is dead, and millions of people are wondering when their country is going to be invaded. They live in fear that their countries will be cast into war due to the meddling of Western nations... And those in Western nations live in fear of a terrorist attack due to the actions of their governments. So once again who is the real terrorist? Bin Laden is dead and we are still living in terror, so was he the real cause of the problem or is there a need to look closer to home.
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