Saturday, 15 November 2008

How and Why?

Are the British public deaf?

Its yet another week where I probably understood about 3 of the words that Diana Vickers sung. The Cambodian man that sells the pirate DVDs has better diction than Diana Vickers, not to mention that she was OUT OF TUNE!

I am sick of the sympathy votes that she is getting, and if I had won the National Lottery I would have spent money voting on every other act INCLUDING DANIEL to ensure that she went home. She is awful. Why do we have to keep on hearing about her sore throat? Alexandra had one in the second week, she mentioned it once and then went and delivered a world class performance.

I can't take it any more. She sounds the same every week. Unintelligible. Please God, next week, let it be her last. If she ever released a record what would anyone do with it? Maybe the Americans could use it as an instrument of cruel and unusual punishment and torture against Al Qaeda suspects. I know I would confess all I knew if I had to listen to that all day. Come to think of it I would start confessing things I did not know! The order of the day would be simply admit to, and say anything to get that awful droning silenced.

And as for her hands.... can she not control her hands? They are annoying and distracting, and her mentors should have taught her about her body language. Her hands move more than an incontinent 80 year old with diarrhea. I don't care what they do with them... Chop them off, tie them behind her back, shove them in her pockets for all I care, just so long as they are removed from my TV screen.

If Liverpool had not won today, it would have been a dark dark day indeed.


Angelicious said...

You're one of the few people to see this. She wind me up so much, my son asked yesterday if it was a yodelling competition. And he's EIGHT.

Daniel should never have been in the final 12 to begin with so people like Laura would still be around. And there are only TWO reasons Ruth is in the competition, and none of things are singing ability.

Tony said...

Erm.. I don't know what XFactor is, though I think I have an idea, but nevertheless... ever thought of switching channels?