Thursday, 29 April 2010

Countdown to Number 10

In just over a week, barring a major miracle it would seem, Britain will have a new Prime Minister. In fact, it will have a whole new government.

God forbid!

Labour are bad. There is no running away from the fact that they have made some mistakes during their time in power, but the other options really are so much worse.

David Cameron is on the side of the rich and powerful, as demonstrated by his desire to give a tax break to the rich, and to discard tax credits to those less well off. It makes a mockery of the Tory claim that under Labour Governments the gap between the rich and poor of Britain has increased, as even if it were true, it was not intentional as it would undoubtedly be under a Conservative government.

As for Nick Clegg... well the less said the better! (But yet you know I am going to go on and say something...) Nick Clegg in the latest televised debate reminded me of the school snitch. He simply stood in the middle of an arguing/debating Gordon Brown and David Cameron, and then every so often would chime and say to the audience (who sadly lapped it up), "See... look at them, they are arguing again!". He had nothing constructive to say, nothing new, and it appeared as though he didn't even know his own manifesto!

If this election were X-Factor, Cheryl Cole would no doubt be rooting for Nick Clegg, the young 'good looking' one with no talent. David Cameron is a Louis Walsh man... (Or should that be a man for Louis Walsh...) because Louis can actually make a little bit of talent reach a long way, and I feel that DC is over achieving. But Simon... Simon would have to be a Gordon Brown supporter... Simply because if its not about looks and talent should be the deciding factor, then in this competition, there can be only one winner.

However just as in X-Factor the final vote is live and it will come down to us the General Public, and sadly the Great British Public have not voted for talent lately. It seems to be presentation over substance...

And so begins our countdown to Number 10.

Here is to hoping Gordon remains there.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Greasing the Political Wheel...

So much has happened since my last blog that if I had the time to, I would share but frankly I have much more important things to discuss and that is the upcoming election.

Now I thing all politicians are about as straight as Ru Paul, but you do have to choose between the lesser of two evils. Its like being cornered in a prison shower by three prison inmates and told to pick up the soap: you are screwed either way... but you sure hope you get the one that uses vaseline!

The Conservative Party is like the prison bully: You know they prey on the fresh meat ie the weak

The Labour Party is like the prison fixer: You will eventually get what you want but you know there is a price to pay.

The Liberal Democrats are the prison snitch: You will trust the smiles, fall for the flowery words and crumble when they stab you in the back because you never saw it coming.

Now Gordon Brown is about as charismatic as... Well lets be honest he can't be compared to anything as he isn't charismatic at all. However unlike David Cameron and Nick Clegg he isn't campaigning like he is trying to win American Idol or X Factor, but is instead talking about the issues. Admittedly he hasnt made all the right choices since he began his tenure but he has done well.

In fact his first few months was a baptism by fire as he fought to deal with problems left by Tony Blair and screw ups by the civil service. Add to that a global recession through which he has steered and finally steadied the economy, and you will see that as boring as he is, Gordon is all about the issues.

So what about Nick Clegg and David Cameron? Well credit where credit is due. Both are adept at pointing out the flaws and mistakes that Gordon and the Labour Party have made, but they fail to supply realistic alternative answers. It is all well and good claiming that immigration is too high, but a quota is unrealistic. And as for saying that we are in a recession and it is all Labour's fault, besides being untrue, neither party has shown or indicated the ability to handle the economy.

I could go on and on... and at some later date I will.

All I shall for now is that as much as it is going to hurt I will be voting Labour...

Thank God for vaseline.